- Online Live Meetings on JW.ORG.
- They kind of backtracked on that after 'pandemic' despite being a great opportunity to switch.
- More emphasis on congregations focusing on public witnessing with carts and leaflet distribution in public areas, less emphasis on D2D and RVs, that being reserved for "personal territory".
- All of these are already categorized as 'personal ministry' to avoid liability, although cart use actually has stricter requirements, which undercuts that. Still, increasing carts & leaflets wouldn't be good for them as that would mean more overhead (far more carts & leaflets would need to be produced) when they're moving to "conversations" now, which are free.
- Watchtower and Awake public editions are fazed out.
- Definitely. They wood keep the WT for study editions only, one reason being Russell implied that this magazine ceasing publication would show Jehovah's lack of favor. But as for Awake that can easily be put to sleep, as the name has been changed numerous times & it bears no resemblance to its former self or any magazine for that matter, being just a name only.
- New Revelation book
- Absolute necessity. The high-school level 'art' & prophecies supposedly fulfilled in random ramblings by Rutherford in the 20's (and that don't hold up to current understanding anyway) are a real embarrassment.
- The calculation for 1914 is completely abandoned, yet jws will still claim we can perceive that we are in the Last Days now.
- More crazy beliefs are gradually changed in random boxes and footnotes
- Both long time coming & par for the course.
- Porn, oral sex and masturbation are no longer treated as uncleanness and are personal choice as long as they are done in private.
- They already unspokely removed non-missionary prohibitions for married couples in a recent WT, but of course this wouldn't be allowed for the unmarried. Porn & masturbation will still be frowned on, but they already realize these are basically unavoidable & acknowledge they aren't classified as "serious" sins, even introducing the new contradictory category of "non-abhorrent pornography", so are more forgiving with it, especially for single ones, as long as you're 'working on it'.
- JW.ORG will include new features for singles to find potential marriage mates.
- JW.ORG will include new features to provide an opportunity for anonymous confession regarding a sin, to be responded by a 24/7 operator whose aim is to basically find out where you're from, secretly tell the elders in your cong, yet manipulate you to tell them in detail about your sins.
- Okay now we're just doing sci-fi